Mar 15, 2011

Inspired by Amy - Longview

I don't think I'm really supposed to write a bunch of stuff on this blog when I'm doing a photo post....but...well, I am. :) miss Amy Seeley. If you know Amy well enough, you know this song I'm sure. This song of hers, it is what inspired everything about this post, and not only this post...but a whole wintery morning one week ago.
When meeting Amy for the first time, Dana, my friend and partner in crime, asked Amy if Longview in the song was THE Longview, our Alberta Canada?! We couldn't have been more thrilled when we found out it was. The place Amy sings of is only about 25 minutes from the town that I live in. With that (and quite some time since asking), inspiration happened and Dana and I drove out to Longview to have breakfast...with our cameras. That's it, that's all that was of any sort of plan. "coffee, and pancakes, french toast and bacon" We knew we would not be smoking cigarettes though lol. The rest would just happen. It was seriously the best morning I've had in a really, really long time.
Dana captured some ridiculously awesome imagery that morning as well and shared over on her blog.

Anyway, please, before you scroll down, click the "play" button below and listen to the sweetness that is Amy. Enjoy.

longview, alberta, canada